- CounterStrikeSharp 在 v88 上测试
- Steam Api 密钥
- 限制聊天命令
- Steam 群组成员控件
此插件检查在首次登录服务器时加入 Steam 群组的玩家,如果玩家在首次登录服务器时加入 Steam 群组,他们将被添加到允许列表中。
未加入 Steam 群组的玩家,即不在允许列表中的玩家,每次重生时都会被重新检查。
- 将插件文件放在“/addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins/”文件夹中。
- 当您启动插件时,配置文件将自动创建在路径“/addons/counterstrikesharp/configs/plugins/SteamGroupRestrict”中。打开文件并根据需要填写字段。
- 完成所有设置后,只需重新启动插件即可。
{ "GeneralSettings": { // Enter the Group ID of your Steam Group here (found on the Edit Group Profile page). "SteamGroupId": "", // Obtain an API Key from this page https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey and fill in this field. "SteamApiKey": "", "Prefix": "{Blue}[SGR]" }, "Messages": { "Unauthorized": "{Red}You must have joined our steam group to use this command.", "NotJoinedGroup": "{Red}You don't seem to have joined our Steam group.", "JoinedGroup": "{Green}Congratulations! You have joined our Steam group and can start using commands." }, "BlockedCommands": [ // Commands to be added to this list must be preceded by ! or /. // You can add as many commands as you want according to the examples below. "!knife", "!ws", "/knife", "/ws" ], "ConfigVersion": 1 }
- !group_check - 检查您是否已加入 Steam 群组。(命令名称可以从配置文件中编辑)
- 暂时没有
默认 config.json 文件;
{ "GeneralSettings": { "SteamGroupId": "-", "SteamApiKey": "-", "Prefix": "{Blue}[SGR]" }, "Messages": { "Unauthorized": "{Red}You must have joined our steam group to use this command.", "NotJoinedGroup": "{Red}You don't seem to have joined our Steam group.", "JoinedGroup": "{Green}Congratulations! You have joined our Steam group and can start using commands." }, "BlockedCommands": [], "ConfigVersion": 1 }