【CS2】SharpTimer 跳跃/滑翔服速度监视插件

我不当学长 管理员组 2023-11-29 1531


  • 此插件可以试试检视玩家当前的地速,操作按键,游玩耗时等信息,非常适用于滑翔/跳跃服

----------------- [Timer, Speedometer and Keys] -----------------

-------------------------- [Players PBs] --------------------------

----------------- [Checkpoints (disabled by default)] -----------------




命令 功效
!r 将玩家传送回 Spawn
!top 在当前地图上打印前 10 次
!rank 告诉您在当前地图上的排名
!cp 设置检查点
!tp 将玩家传送到最新的检查点
!prevcp 将玩家传送到上一个检查点
!nextcp 将玩家传送到上一个检查点



  • See for basic plugin configuration (yes you can enable checkpoints there)game/csgo/cfg/SharpTimer/config.cfg

  • This plugin will look for & triggers by default, if the map uses different trigger targetnames or does not have triggers at all (most bhop and deathrun maps dont) you will have to add them into the timer_startzonetimer_endzonemapdata.json

  • To add Map Start and End zones you can simply add the of the triggers in the inside of using and targetnamesmapdata.jsongame/csgo/cfg/SharpTimer/MapStartTriggerMapEndTrigger

    You can look up the trigger targetnames using these offline server commands:

    sv_cheats true
    ent_find trigger_multiple (will list all 'zoning' triggers that mapper/port has put in)
    ent_bbox <targetname> (will draw it in game)

    Many maps do not contain any or triggers. As a workaround you can setup the trigger manually be defining its opposite corner coordinates with and ! if you are using the or to get the coordinates you will have to subtract from the Z axis since the coordinates given are at the height of your camera and not your feet! You also need to define the for the command using startzoneendzoneMapStartC1MapStartC2getposcl_showpos 164 unitsRespawnPos!rRespawmPos

    Here is a Example of what the can look like with both map triggers and manual triggers:mapdata.json

  "surf_kitsune": {
    "MapStartTrigger": "stage1_start",
    "MapEndTrigger": "stage9_end",
  "surf_beginner": {
    "MapStartTrigger": "stage1_trigger",
    "MapEndTrigger": "end_trigger",
  "surf_boomer": {
    "MapStartTrigger": "zippan_start",
    "MapEndTrigger": "zippan_end",
  "surf_mesa_revo": {
    "MapStartC1": "255.63 -1360 8928",
    "MapStartC2": "-259.002686 -832 8928",
    "MapEndC1": "-393 14047 -13759",
    "MapEndC2": "378.517792 13067.639648 -13759",
    "RespawnPos": "-64 -1040 8992"
  "surf_utopia_njv": {
    "MapStartC1": "-13769 512 12800",
    "MapStartC2": "-14319 -512 12800",
    "MapEndC1": "-13825 -512 -6223",
    "MapEndC2": "-14319 527 -6223",
    "RespawnPos": "-13904 336 12864"

参考:DEAFPS/SharpTimer: SharpTimer is a simple Surf/KZ/Bhop/MG/Deathrun/etc. CS2 Timer plugin using CounterStrikeSharp (github.com)


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