Now it is not necessary to write all parameters to a group, you can delete those that are not needed for a particular group
"JumpsNoVip": 1,
"Admins": [76561144096558223],//SteamID64 should be separated by commas
"Delay": 2, //At what interval to issue the VIP(second)
"VipTestSettings": {
"VipTestEnabled": true, //is VIP-TEST enabled? true - yes, false - no
"VipTestTime": 3600, //Duration of VIP test issuance (in seconds)
"VipTestGroup": "VIP1", //Assigned VIP Group
"VipTestCount": 4 //How many times can a player take the VIP test
"Groups": {
"VIP1": {
"Health": 115,
"Armor": 115,
"Gravity": 0.9,
"Money": 5000,
"SmokeColor": "random",
"Healthshot": 1,
"JumpsCount": 1
"VIP2": {
"Health": 175, //amount of health
"Armor": 175, //amount of armor
"Gravity": 0.7, //Gravity: less than 1 is low, more than 1 is high.
"Money": 16000, //amount of money at spawning
"SmokeColor": "255 11 22",//color R G B is spelled with a space or "random" and then you'll have a different color for every shot.
"Healthshot": 1, //syringe count at revival
"JumpsCount": 2, //number of additional jumps
"RainbowModel": true, //true - on, false - off
"Items": ["weapon_molotov", "weapon_ak47"], //items given out at revival. If you don't need anything, leave the field blank
"DecoySettings": {
"DecoyTeleport": true, //Is the teleportation grenade enabled? true - yes, false - no
"DecoyCountInOneRound": 1,//how many teleportation grenades can be used in one round?
"DecoyCountToBeIssued": 1 //number of teleportation grenades issued
"Connection": {
"Host": "HOST",
"Database": "DATABASE",
"User": "USER",
"Password": "PASSWORD"