【CS2】cs2-LiteVIP 轻量级VIP插件 游戏性拓展 CS2

我不当学长 管理员组 2023-11-25 1229


  • 提供基本的VIP功能


  1. 安装最新版 CounterStrike Sharp and Metamod:Source
  2. 下载 LiteVIP
  3. 解压到服务器的game/csgo/目录


  • 配置文件会自动生成,位置跟dll文件在一块
Now it is not necessary to write all parameters to a group, you can delete those that are not needed for a particular group
  "JumpsNoVip": 1,
  "Admins": [76561144096558223],//SteamID64 should be separated by commas
  "Delay": 2,			//At what interval to issue the VIP(second)
  "VipTestSettings": {
    "VipTestEnabled": true, 	//is VIP-TEST enabled? true - yes, false - no
    "VipTestTime": 3600,	//Duration of VIP test issuance (in seconds)
    "VipTestGroup": "VIP1",	//Assigned VIP Group
    "VipTestCount": 4		//How many times can a player take the VIP test
  "Groups": {
    "VIP1": {
      "Health": 115,
      "Armor": 115,
      "Gravity": 0.9,
      "Money": 5000,
      "SmokeColor": "random",
      "Healthshot": 1,
      "JumpsCount": 1
    "VIP2": {
      "Health": 175,		//amount of health
      "Armor": 175,		//amount of armor
      "Gravity": 0.7,		//Gravity: less than 1 is low, more than 1 is high.
      "Money": 16000,		//amount of money at spawning
      "SmokeColor": "255 11 22",//color R G B is spelled with a space or "random" and then you'll have a different color for every shot.
      "Healthshot": 1,		//syringe count at revival
      "JumpsCount": 2,		//number of additional jumps
      "RainbowModel": true, 	//true - on, false - off
      "Items": ["weapon_molotov", "weapon_ak47"], //items given out at revival. If you don't need anything, leave the field blank
      "DecoySettings": {	
        "DecoyTeleport": true,	  //Is the teleportation grenade enabled? true - yes, false - no
        "DecoyCountInOneRound": 1,//how many teleportation grenades can be used in one round?
	"DecoyCountToBeIssued": 1 //number of teleportation grenades issued
  "Connection": {
    "Host": 	"HOST",
    "Database": "DATABASE",
    "User": 	"USER",
    "Password": "PASSWORD"


  • css_vip | !vip - 打开VIP菜单
  • css_vip_gravity | !vip_gravity - 打开或者关闭重力
  • css_vip_key key | !vip_key key - 允许玩家使用key来激活VIP特权
  • css_viptest | !viptest - 允许玩家体验VIP特权


  • css_vip_reload,!vip_reload - 重载配置文件(上面说的那个配置文件)
  • css_vip_createkey "vipgroup" "time_seconds or 0 permanently" - 允许您创建用于 VIP 激活的密钥(仅适用于服务器控制台
  • css_vip_adduser "steamid" "vipgroup" "time_second or 0 permanently" - 添加了 VIP 玩家(仅适用于服务器控制台)
  • css_vip_deleteuser "steamid" - 允许您通过 SteamID 标识符删除玩家(仅适用于服务器控制台)

参考:partiusfabaa/cs2-LiteVIP:具有基本功能 VIP 的 cs2 插件 (github.com)


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