Ability to ship your map with Stroke Strike ready entities!
sm_golfers - Prints the golf variables for all players
sm_golfdebug <0/1> - Prints debugging messages, if you broke a hole somehow, this will come in handy.
sm_golf <0/1/2> - Enable/Disable the gamemode, 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled, 2 for edit mode.
sm_golfstroketime <seconds> - Time between strokes, once time is up, you get damaged and the next throw starts.
sm_golfgoto <hole> - Go to a specific hole number.
sm_golfrestart - Restart the course entirely (reset scores, course progress etc..).
sm_golfwinhp <health> - Set the health multiplicator for the winner based on the number of alive golfers.
sm_golflosehp <health> - Set the health for the losing players.
sm_golfweapons <loser> <winner> - Set the weapons for the losers and winner. (eg. weapon_ak47).
sm_golfrandom <0/1> - Randomize hole orders, 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled.
sm_golfallowback <0/1> - Allow players to go back to their previous position, 0 disabled, 1 enabled.
sm_golfpar <0/1> - Use Par in scoring. 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled.
sm_golfforcect <0/1> - Force players to be moved to the CT team, it makes the scoreboard more readable for scores
sm_golfkeeppm <0/1> - Keep the playermodel from the first team the player has joined. Used with sm_golfforcect
sm_golfforceconfig <0/1> - Ignore Stroke Strike entities, uses the configs instead.
sm_golfedit - Opens the edit menu for spawn, hole, win positions + spawn and hole position randomizer radius.
sm_golfeditspawn - {REQUIRED} Set the spawn, based on your current position and angles.
sm_golfeditspawnradius <radius> - Set the random spawn position radius.
sm_golfedithole - {REQUIRED} Set the hole, based on your current position.
sm_golfeditholeradius <radius> - Set the random hole position radius.
sm_golfeditwin - Set the winner's respawn point, if none provided, the hole's position will be used.
sm_golfeditinfo <name> <author> [par] - {REQUIRED} Set the info of the hole, use quotes for spaces.
sm_golfeditsave <filename> - Save the currently edited hole, can overwrite, if no arguments provided, a list of the configs will be shown
sm_golfeditdel <filename> - Deletes a specific config, if no arguments provided, a list of the configs will be shown
sm_golfeditload <hole> - sm_golfgoto alias. Will load the positions and info of the hole as well.