sm_neon // Open the main menu for Neon Beams.
sm_neon_temp // Menu to spawn temporary Beams at your crosshair.
sm_neon_save // Menu to spawn and save Beams at your crosshair.
sm_neon_preset // Create or edit a preset with Beams: sm_neon_preset <config file/preset name>.
sm_neon_preset_temp // Opens the Preset menu list, to spawn temporary presets.
sm_neon_preset_save // Opens the Preset menu list, allowing you to save them to the map.
sm_neon_preset2 // Create or edit a preset with particles (if game supports). Usage: sm_neon_preset2 <config file/preset name>.
sm_neon_save2 // Menu to spawn and save particles (if game supports) at your crosshair.
sm_neon_temp2 // Menu to spawn temporary particles (if game supports) at your crosshair.
sm_neon_point // Menu to spawn temporary Beams from your eye location. Usage: sm_neon_point [optional range from eyes]
sm_neon_point2 // Menu to spawn temporary Particles from your eye location. Usage: sm_neon_point2 [optional range from eyes]
sm_neon_points // Menu to spawn save Beams from your eye location. Usage: sm_neon_points [optional range from eyes]
sm_neon_points2 // Menu to spawn save Particles from your eye location. Usage: sm_neon_points2 [optional range from eyes]
sm_neon_preset_eye // Opens the Preset menu list, spawns them from your eye location. Usage: sm_neon_preset_eye [optional range from eyes]
sm_neon_preset_eyes // Opens the Preset menu list, spawns them from your eye location and saves to map. Usage: sm_neon_preset_eyes [optional range from eyes]
sm_neon_delpre // Remove the last saved beam from the currently selected preset. Or delete a preset config, usage: sm_neon_delpre <preset name>
sm_neon_del // Remove the last placed preset or beam from the saved map config (regardless of who placed it).
sm_neon_wipe // Delete all beams and presets saved to the current maps config.
sm_neon_load // Reloads the Preset and current Map configs, used to refresh the plugin after manual changes to the data config file.
sm_neon_overload // Overrides the duplicate load prevention, and loads the auto spawn data config for the current map.
sm_neon_stats // Shows details about how many beams were spawned and how long it took etc.
sm_neon_paint // Menu to start and stop painting (continuous spawning of beams) with color selection.
sm_neon_paint2 // Menu to start and stop painting (continuous spawning of particles) with color selection.
保存到服务器 \cfg\sourcemod\文件夹中的neon_beams.cfg。
// 0=Plugin off. 1=Plugin on.
neon_allow "1"
// 0.0=Off. After round start and all connected players have spawned, wait this long before spawning beams and particles saved to map.
neon_cfg_load "5.0"
// Max beams and particles to load in 1 frame. More than 32 cannot be loaded at once due to engine limitations.
neon_cfg_max "32"
// If beams or particles are deleted on round restart you can enable them to load here. 0=None. 1=Load beams on round_start. 2=Load particles on round_start. 3=Both.
neon_cfg_round "2"
// Interval to wait before loading the next set of beams and particles.
neon_cfg_time "0.2"
// Distance from the wall to spawn beams, particles and presets.
neon_distance "1.5"
// 0=Off. 1=Send clients the saved beams map data when joining after round start. 2=Send particles (attempts to hide from others). 3=Both.
neon_late_load "3"
// The sprite halo used for beams.
neon_mat_halo "materials/sprites/glow.vmt"
// The sprite material used for beams.
neon_mat_sprite "materials/sprites/laserbeam.vmt"
// Maximum number of beams allowed on the map.
neon_max_beams "768"
// Maximum number of particles allowed on the map.
neon_max_parts "768"
// Transparency of beams. 0=Invisible. 255=Solid.
neon_opacity "128"
// Interval between each paint.
neon_paints "0.5"
// Width of beams.
neon_size "2"