高级管理命令插件——Advanced Admin Commands 管理员命令 服务器管理

Sprite 四级用户组 2022-12-9 1979

高级管理命令插件——Advanced Admin Commands


@me - 总是你|@!me - 除了你之外的每个人 | @t - 恐怖分子| @ct - 反恐| @spec - 观众| @alive - 活着的玩家 | @dead - 死去的玩家 | @all - 所有玩家 | @aim - 玩家,你正在查看| @bots - 所有机器人。





sm_advadmin_admins <def. 2> - Settings of "!admins" command. | 0 - Disable the command for players without admin rights | 1 - Show always "No Admins online." for players without admin rights | 2 - Show the online admins, like "PeEzZ[R], Bob, NEPTune"
sm_advadmin_announce <def. 2> - Join message, 0 - Disable | 1 - Simple ("PeEzZ connected")| 2 - Message with country ("PeEzZ connected (Hungary)")
sm_advadmin_invalid <def. 1> - Show give/equip text for everyone in the chat if the item is invalid. | 0 - Disable | 1 - Enable ("Bob got the aimbot")
sm_advadmin_log <def. 1> - Enable logging for the plugin. | 0 - Disable | 1 - Enable (The plugin will log into the default sourcemod file)


sm_extend <map | round> <[+/-] minutes> - Extending the map or the round, ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP
sm_clearmap - Removing dropped weapons, items and chickens without owner from the map, ADMFLAG_GENERIC
sm_restartgame or sm_rg <seconds> - Restarting the game after the specified seconds, ADMFLAG_GENERIC
sm_restartround or sm_rr <seconds> - Restarting the round after the specified seconds, ADMFLAG_GENERIC
sm_playsound <target> <sound [directories/filename.extension]> <pitch 100[50 - 250]> <volume 100[1 - 100]> <multiplier 1[1 - 10]> , - Playing a sound for the targets, with custom settings, ADMFLAG_GENERIC

sm_teleport or sm_tp <target(s) 1> <leave blank for savedlocation | @blink to aim position | target 2> - Teleporting the target to somewhere, ADMFLAG_BAN
sm_saveloc - Saving the current position for later to teleport, ADMFLAG_BAN

sm_team <target(s)> <[1-3] | SPEC | SPECTATOR | T | CT> <[0/1] now/next round> - Set the target(s) team, ADMFLAG_KICK
sm_swap <target(s)> <[0/1] now/next round> - Swap the target(s) team, ADMFLAG_KICK
sm_spec <target(s)> <[0/1] now/next round> - Set the target(s) team to spectator, ADMFLAG_KICK
sm_scramble - Scrambling the teams by scores, ADMFLAG_KICK

sm_give <target(s)> <leave blank for knife | weapon name | text> - Give something for the target(s) (without removing any existing weapon), ADMFLAG_BAN - (Available weapon names below)
sm_equip <target(s)> <leave blank for knife | weapon name | text> - Equipping something for the target(s) (removing all weapons and giving the specified ones), ADMFLAG_BAN - (Available weapon names below)
sm_equipments - Printing the valid equipment names into the user's console, available weapon names below, ADMFLAG_GENERIC
sm_disarm <target(s)> - Disarming the target(s), (removing all weapons from the target(s)) ADMFLAG_BAN
(Hint: You can give anything, invalid things always will be ignored)

sm_respawn <target(s)> <[0/1] on spawn/on death pos> - Respawning the target(s), ADMFLAG_KICK
sm_bury <target>(s) <[0/1] bury/unbury> - Burying/unburying the target(s), ADMFLAG_KICK

sm_speed <target(s)> <multiplier> - Set the speed multipiler of the target(s), ADMFLAG_BAN
sm_god <target(s)> <[0/1] off/on> - Set godmode status for the target(s), ADMFLAG_BAN
sm_helmet <target(s)> <[0/1] off/on> - Set helmet status for the target(s), ADMFLAG_KICK

sm_health or sm_hp <target(s)> <[+/-] amount> - Set the health of the target(s), ADMFLAG_KICK
sm_armour <target(s)> <[+/-] amount> - Set the armour of the target(s), ADMFLAG_KICK
sm_cash <target(s)> <[+/-] amount> - Set the cash of the target(s), ADMFLAG_BAN

sm_setstats <target(s)> <kills | assists | deaths | mvps | scores | clan> <[+/-] value> - Set the stats of the target(s), ADMFLAG_BAN
sm_teamscores <[2/3] | T | CT> <[+/-] amount> - Set the scores of a team, ADMFLAG_BAN

sm_spawnent <chicken | ball | snow | turret | drone> <value1> <value2>  - Spawning entities, like chickens or balls, ADMFLAG_BAN
For <value1> can be:
- Chicken: <body [0-6] 0 - Normal chicken, 1 - Birthday, 2 - Ghost, 3 - Christmas, 4 - Bunny, 5 - Pumpkin, 6 - Zombie> (i know its not working now,  i will fix it)
For <value2> can be:
- Chicken: <explode [-1-9999]>  -1 - Chicken with godmode, 0 - Normal chicken, everything else greater than 0 is the explosion damage when the chicken dies
Remember, do not spam the command, or you have a risk to make the server lag or crash by too many entities!



sm_admins - Will show the admins for users based on the "sm_advadmin_admins" convar setting
(Example: if the cvar is "0" - this will say "Command disabled", for users without admin rights, if "1" - this will say "No admins online." for users without admin rights, if "2" - this will say "Online admins: Bart, [R]PeEzZ" for the users)
(Hint: Flags: [R] - have root admin flag ADMFLAG_ROOT.)
For players who have generic admin flag (ADMFLAG_GENERIC), this command will always show the true, currently online admins, no matter what the convar is set to.






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