"driver" "mysql"
"host" "ip" // ip сервера, где находится mysql
"database" "clans" //Имя базы данных
"user" "user" // Имя пользователя базы данных
"pass" "password" // Его пароль
SourceMod 1.10+
MySQL 8.0
sm_clans_expansioncost "N" // the number of coins required for 1 clan expansion
sm_clans_expandvalue "N" // the number of slots that are credited to the clan for 1 purchase of the clan
sm_clans_maxclanmembers extension "N" // the maximum number of players in the clan
sm_clans_startslotsinclan "N" // the initial number of slots in the clan
sm_clans_renameprice "N" // the price of renaming the clan
sm_clans_noclan_notag "N" // 2 - change clan tag always, 1 - change clan tag if player is in clan, 0 - change clan tag if player wants this
sm_clans_chatfilter "N" // Clan chat filter: 1 (d) - dead can write alive, 2 (t) - people from different teams see each other's messages, 3 (a) - 2+1, 0 (n) - not 1 and not 2
sm_clans_steamauth2 "N" // 1 - use auth2 (STEAM_) instead of auth3 (U:)
sm_clans_cclancd "N" // After how many minutes can you create a new clan
sm_clans_ccleader "color" // color for leader in clan chat
sm_clans_cccoleader "color" // color for deputy leader in clan chat
sm_clans_ccelder "color" // color for elder in clan chat
sm_clans_ccmember "color" // color for participant in clan chat
sm_clans_logs "N" //2 - log to file, 1 - log to database (sqlite), 0 - do not log
sm_clans_logflags "N" //Flags for logging
sm_clans_logexpire "N" //How many days to keep records in the database
sm_clans_leaderchange "N" - Can a leader appoint a new leader in a clan (1 - yes, 0 - no)
sm_clans_coinstransfer "N" - Can a clan transfer coins to another clan (1 - yes, 0 - no)
sm_clans_leaderleave "N" - Can the leader leave the clan (1 - yes, 0 - no)
sm_clans_inviteperm "N" // Role that allows you to invite players to the clan
sm_clans_kickperm "N" // Role that allows you to kick players from the clan
sm_clans_transfercoinsperm "N" // Role that allows you to transfer credits to other clans
sm_clans_expandperm "N" // Role that allows you to expand the clan
sm_clans_changeroleperm "N" // Role that allows you to change the roles of players in the clan
sm_clans_changetypeperm "N" // Role that allows you to change the type of clan
!chelp - show the window with commands
!cclan - create a clan
!dclan - disband the clan
!leaveclan - leave the clan
!myclan (!mcl, !clan) - open the clan menu
!invite - invite the player to the clan (only for the LEADER)
!caccept - accept the invitation to the clan
!ctop - open the top clans
!mystats - open your statistics in the clan
/ cct - clan chat
!achelp - show the window with commands
!aclans - open the admin menu
!cdump - bring all clans to the console
!pdump - bring all clan players to the console
!ptoclan - add online player to the clan. The id is userid from status
!poutofclan - kick the player out of the clan
!adclan - remove the clan
!asetcoints - set the number of coins to the
clan!arclan - reset the clan
!arclient - reset the player