CSGO various bugs: this plugin is incompatible with the Sm_Skinchooser plugin, too many different issues to fix, only fix would be real charms attachment.
- "attach_1": First person attachment point (usually name "1" or "2" for most models). When shooting sometimes the charm freezes, use "2" or other attachment point.
- "attach_2": Third person view attachment point. Since detecting current view in CS:GO doesn't work, you might want to comment out the "Hook_SetTransmitWorld" section and recompile the plugin to test positions.
- "default": Signals this charm will be default for the weapon classname when clients have no saved preferences.
- "vpos_1" and "vang_1" etc: Use sm_charm_edit [1 or 2] command to modify charm position and angles for 1st or 3rd person view.
- "bonemerge": Specifying a bone name which exists on both the weapon viewmodel and charm will use bonemerge attachment without having to manually position and use attachment points.
sm_charm // 显示挂件菜单Shows the Charms menu. Alternative usage: sm_charm [charm index] or 0 to remove.
sm_charm_ang // Shows a menu allowing you to adjust the charm angles.
sm_charm_pos // Shows a menu allowing you to adjust the charm position.
sm_charm_size // Shows a menu allowing you to adjust the charm size.
sm_charm_save // Saves the data config. Suggest saving after editing each charm, either via menu or command.
// 0=Plugin off. 1=Plugin on.
charms_allow "1"
// 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on.
charms_bots "1"
// 0=None. 1=Give default charms to new players (search for default in the charms.data config).
charms_default "1"
// L4D/2 only: 0.0=Off. How often to check if a players in first or third person view to show/hide the correct Charm.
charms_check "0.2"
// Weapon Charms plugin version.
在\addons\sourcemod\configs\databases.cfg文件设置数据库 "charms" . (you can duplicate "clientprefs" section changing the name to "charms" since SQLite is supported, or duplicate and rename an existing external database entry since MySQL is supported too).
在你的MySQL服务器中,自己创建一个新的数据库“charms”。For those using MySQL and not clientprefs you have to login to phpMyAdmin or whatever you use to maintain your database and create a new database entry named "charms".