#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <sdkhooks>
public OnPluginStart()
HookEvent("player_hurt", EventPlayerHurt, EventHookMode_Pre);
public Action:EventPlayerHurt(Handle:event, const String:name[],bool:dontBroadcast)
new i = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
if(i == 0) return Plugin_Continue;
if (GetEntPropFloat(i, Prop_Send, "m_flVelocityModifier") < 0.6) SetEntPropFloat(i, Prop_Send, "m_flVelocityModifier", 0.6);
return Plugin_Continue;
m_flVelocityModifier is your speed modifier after somebody shoot you, we dont let it be less then 0.6 it increase by engine to 1 since some time after somebody hit you it can be even 0.2 in some cases so you will be very slow