Entity-Utilities 实体操作工具 开发者相关

我不当学长 管理员组 2022-8-20 1482


  • 此插件主要可以用来在地图中对实体进行操作:创建、修改属性、删除等
    • 创建西瓜、小鸡等等
    • 改变人物的面向朝向角度等
    • 改变西瓜、小鸡大小(巨型鸡)


  • 将插件解压到服务器对应目录即可


  • 命令行操作
    sm_ent_create - Creates an entity
    sm_ent_keyvalue - Dispatch a keyvalue to an entity (Used before spawning)
    sm_ent_keyvaluefloat - Dispatch a float keyvalue to an entity (Used before spawning)
    sm_ent_keyvaluevector - Dispatch a vector keyvalue to an entity (Used before spawning)
    sm_ent_spawn - Spawns the entity
    sm_ent_variant- Set Variant String (String will be set before each sm_ent_input call)
    sm_ent_variant_clear- Clear Variant String (Will remove variant string being set before each sm_ent_input call)
    sm_ent_input - Accept Entity Input
    sm_ent_script - Execute multiple lines of command with a help of a script found in configs/entityutilities.cfg
    sm_ent_script_reload - Reloads scripts (configs/entityutilities.cfg)
    sm_ent_script_record - Starts recording all commands executed by this plugin
    sm_ent_script_save - Saves recorded script to configs/entityutilities.cfg
    sm_ent_script_clear - Clears the current recording
    sm_ent_script_delete- Delete existing script from configs/entityutilities.cfg)
    sm_ent_script_list- List all existing scripts in configs/entityutilities.cfg
    sm_ent_position - Sets position of selected entity to aim (Position can be passed as arguments as 3 floats)
    sm_ent_angles - Sets angles of selected entity to aim (Angles can be passed as arguments as 3 floats)
    sm_ent_velocity - Sets velocity of selected entity, passed by argument as 3 floats
    sm_ent_selected - Prints generic information about selected entity
    sm_ent_select - Select an entity at aim (Selects by name if argument is passed)
    sm_ent_select_index - Select an entity by entity index
    sm_ent_select_ref - Select an entity by entity reference
    sm_ent_select_self - Select your player
    sm_ent_select_world - Select the world (Entity 0)
    sm_ent_watch - Prints to chat when prop passed by argument changes
    sm_ent_unwatch - Stops watching for prop
    sm_ent_watch_clear - Clears all watched props
    sm_ent_watch_list - List all props being watched)
    sm_ent_setprop - Set property of an entity
    sm_ent_getprop - Print property of an entity
    sm_ent_killall - Kills all entities spawned by players
    sm_ent_killmy - Kills entities spawned by player using this command
    sm_ent_killunowned - Kills entities spawned by players that disconnected
    sm_ent_list - Lists all entities owned by a client
    sm_ent_count - Prints amount of existing entities with classname passed as arg​



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