- 此插件是一种游戏模式插件,幽灵模式,幽灵在静止状态是透明的看不见的,但是一旦动起来就会现形(行动速度很快)。CT需要当心这种幽灵,并且想办法歼灭他们,阻止他们下包。
- 插件自带商店,可以购买各种武器和技能
演示效果参考视频(油管):Cs 1.6 Furien Server GamePlay | Server Name : [FURIEN.EVILS.RO #] : ) - YouTube
- 子弹穿墙 ✔
- 掉落减速 ✔
- 透明 ✔
- 静步 ✔
- 幽灵高移动速度 ✔
- Heckle ✔
- 商店菜单 ✔
- VIP ✔
- 自定义金钱 ✔
- MySql support ✔
- 3 种手雷模式 - 拉环之后按鼠标右键切换 ✔
- 个人设置保存 ✔
- 炸弹光波 (when planted) ✔
- Bomb is disabled for X sec after round start ✔
- 自动阵营互换 ✔
- Switchable perks ✔
- 幽灵不能携带武器 ✔
- 二段跳 ✔
- 自动Bhop - ?
- More coming soon. (Lot of features were added but I can not remember right now)
furien_disablebomb -> For how many seconds after round starts will be unable to plant bomb / -1 = 'Able to plant everytime', 0 = 'Forever'
furien_gravity -> Furiens gravity multiplier
furien_speed -> Furiens speed multiplier
furien_footsteps -> Disable furiens footsteps, 1 = 'Enable' 0 = 'Disable'
furien_bombbeacon -> Enable bomb beacon when planted, 1 = 'Enable' 0 = 'Disable'
furien_bombbeacon_delay -> Delay between beacons (in seconds)
furien_bombbeacon_radius -> Beacon radius
furien_bombbeacon_life -> Beacon life
furien_bombbeacon_width -> Beacon width
furien_bombbeacon_color -> Beacon color [R G B A] if randomcolor = '0'
furien_bombbeacon_randomcolor -> Beacon randomcolor
furien_invisible -> Enable furiens invisible, 1 = 'Enabled' 0 = 'Disabled'
furien_invisible_speed -> Invisible speed, Lower = faster
furien_invisible_alpha_reduce -> Your alpha will be reduced by X every [furien_invisible_speed] seconds
furien_falldownspeed -> Enable furiens low falldown speed, 1 = 'Enabled' 0 = 'Disabled'
furien_wallhang -> Enable furiens wallhang, 1 = 'Enabled' 0 = 'Disabled'
furien_doublejump -> Enable furiens doublejump, 1 = 'Enabled' 0 = 'Disabled'
furien_doublejump_maxjump -> How many times you can jump in air
furien_doublejump_jumpheight -> Height of doublejump
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/11f0-L-J5dVR4EPlXRWZgZA?pwd=uvyd 提取码: uvyd 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦